The fabric above will be used in a quilt for little Sammy, the 3 month old son of our friends Patty and Edo. At their baby shower back in January I asked all of the guests to write a special message to the baby on some hexagon shaped pieces of cloth. The plan was to use them to make Sammy a baby quilt. Unfortunately, here it is May and I haven't even started piecing the quilt together yet! At least now I have a plan and fabric and I'll start cutting out the rest of the quilt pieces later this week.
My big accomplishment of the day was finishing up the piecing for a quilt I'm doing for my cousin Kattlyn's son Jacob. I bought the fabric for it late last summer (intending to make it as a 1st birthday present, then a Christmas present, and now... well maybe an almost 2 year present).
I've heard that Jacob really likes airplanes and trucks so I tried to find fabrics featuring them. I ended up picking out 3 blue fabrics (2 with airplanes and 1 with clouds), 3 green fabrics (1 with trucks, trains, and boats, 1 with grass, and 1 with leaves), and 2 yellow patterns (1 with dots and 1 with stripes). I had originally planned to lay them out in a random pattern with the yellow as a border around the edge. However, Woodley convinced me that it would be much more fun to create a picture on the quilt with the sky at the top and the grass at the bottom (see below):
I have a bright red polka dot fabric to go on the back but I will likely add a border of either yellow squares or a mixture of blue and green squares around it. I'm still trying to decide exactly how I want to quilt it. It would be nice to do an airplane pattern that would be visible on the back of the quilt, but that might be a bit too challenging. Maybe I'll just end up using ribbons.
It's so fun to be using my sewing machine again!
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