Last Thursday was an adventure day! (In fact, I think I should change my header to "Adventures of a Classic Housewife" I'm feeling far more adventurous than muse-ish these days...)
The day was a bit cloudy but we headed down to Zuanich Point to fly kites by the bay. Adam, who was still visiting, had a kite of his own and Woodley was anxious to fly his own kite. Since I didn't have a kite I brought a blanket, some books, and my camera.
While searching for the perfect spot to settle down with my blanket, I came across an old picnic table with the following inscription:
The best part of this visit was discovering their Bacon Maple Bars! What can I say, they look amazing!!!! Sadly I wasn't in the mood for quite that much doughnut but maybe next time...
After the museum, our adventures continued as we headed over to Honey Moon a local mead making establishment. Adam likes to make his own mead so we thought he might enjoy a little mead tasting fun.
Since I hadn't ever had mead before, and since the taster sizes were only $1 each, I decided to try all of their 4 current mead flavors as well as their cider and cyser (a mixture of cider and mead). Below you can see my nifty selection. From left to right, top to bottom they are: Lover's Mead, Orange Mead, Blueberry Mead, Wassail Mead, CiderHead, and Cyser. You can read more about them here.
After the appetizers we decided what we really needed to finish the evening off the right way was some dessert. Since we also felt like moving on we too Adam up to The Black Cat. It has a fun outdoorish French feeling.
It struck me as rather romantic and I wished that the letters were E and W instead. Wherever they are, I hope K and H are still as much in love as they were the day that inscription was carved.
Here's the spot I finally picked. It was quite windy - perfect for kite flying - so I huddled into the downwind side of the picnic table.
I just love the view down by the bay!
There were quite a few other kites out that afternoon and it was so fun to watch them flit about the sky trying not to run into each other.
After the kite adventure we headed up to downtown Bellingham to go to the American Museum of Radio and Electricity. Along the way we dropped by Rocket Doughnuts for a quick pick-me-up in the form of delicious sugary treats.
In addition to making great doughnuts, Rocket also has a fantastic 50's Sci Fi theme. They even have TVs playing awesome old movies full of aliens and space invaders that you can watch while munching your doughnuts.
On a side note, we dropped by their booth at the farmer's market last weekend. We mentioned the awesomeness of the Bacon Maple Bar but since they only sell doughnut holes at the farmer's market they didn't have any on display. However, on hearing how much we loved the bacon theme, they came up with the idea of doughnut holes covered in maple icing and bacon bits. I can't wait to go back next week to see if they actually do it!
If only I could send some of these to the Toobz!
After tearing ourselves away from the wonder of the Maple Bacon Bar, we headed up the street to The American Museum of Radio and Electricity. For $5 it was a fantastic way to spend an hour or so. I loved checking out all of the vintage radios. They had so much style!
Behold the buried treasure chest radio:
The speedometer style radio:
The amazingly beautiful carved radio:
Rudy Vallée's first megaphone which he later gave to Dick Clark as you can read from the inscription he wrote on it (or at least you could in the museum, it's a bit harder to make out in the picture).
And this fantastic old TV with it's circular screen. I think it might almost be worth having a TV in our house if we could get one like this.
The sun was just heading down towards the bay as we arrived and it looked amazing shining through the cloud of steam rising from the industrial area by the Bay.
I liked the Orange Mead and the Lover's Mead best and I didn't care much for the Wassail or the ciders. The blueberry was ok. But then, since it was my first time trying mead I definitely don't have very discerning tastes.
And thus ended our day of fun adventures in Bellingham!
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