Sunday, May 17, 2009

Dreams of Remodeling

Now that we actually own a house of our own, we have joined the millions of other homeowners around the world who spend their time dreaming of how they want to remodel their property. 

Since our new house is in the city's watershed area we are a bit limited in what we can do. So far, we know we are allowed to remodel the inside but aren't able to change the current footprint of the house. In some ways that is nice because it gives us a straightforward starting point.

During our last trip up to Bellingham, we ran all around the house measuring the walls and closets and doors so we could try to figure out the blueprint. We took that information and used a computer program to help us draw the floor plan. It was great to finally see the a rough layout of the house on paper. 

To help us brainstorm possible new layouts, we made a version of the blueprint that only showed the outer walls. Then, I cut a bunch of rectangles out of colored card-stock (left over from our wedding invitations) and labeled them with the names of different rooms we wanted to include in our new plans. 

Following those preparations, we had a very fun evening coming up with all sorts of fun and crazy ideas for our house! 

Below are some of our layouts for the main floor (the top side of the picture is the one that the lake would be on)

I'm also having a lot of fun cutting pictures of rooms and decorating ideas out of magazines! Once I actually paste them into a scrapbook I'll post some pictures of it. 


1 comment:

  1. Hey, Toben arranged his whole room using this program:

    ... I'm sure making all the little cutouts was more fun though.
