Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Gardening Update

Every time I head out to water our plants I am completely amazed at how big they are growing (considering that they were tiny seeds just a few months ago). I guess it shows how little gardening I have done in the past. :) Here's a photo update on our plants:

This is the saddest plant we have. It's one of the cherry tomato plants I started back in March with my herbs.

I couldn't figure out why it was doing so poorly until Woodley discovered that somehow the stem had been almost entirely severed from the roots. So sad!! Fortunately we still have 2 other cherry tomato plants that are doing quite well, such as this one:

Here are the 4 other pots of herbs and flowers. They seem to be growing quite well, although one of the tiny thyme plants seems to have been eaten by the peacock. Speaking of which, the peacock has disappeared and we have no idea where he went. 

And now, on to our vegetable garden. Here's Box Number 1 with the squash, swiss chard, beets, cucumbers and tiny pepper plants. They seem to be growing well. 

Box Number 2 isn't doing nearly as well. It is mostly planted with lettuce and sadly some of the plants never sprouted and several of the others are being enjoyed by some local bug. In a few more weeks we will have a little bit of lettuce though and I've replanted other types in the areas that didn't ever sprout. 

Box Number 3 is probably the most impressive right now (the kitty seems to agree). It features a bunch of different types of bush beans, some corn, sugar snap peas, and cucumbers.

Here's the biggest corn stalk: 

A happy bush bean:

The almost out of control sugar snap peas: (Since I took this picture Woodley built a little trellis for them to grow up and they are looking much happier now.)

And the amazingly large squash:

It will be interesting to see if any of them are actually ready to harvest before we move up to Washington for the summer. They have a month and a half to go and I hope some of them make it! If not, I'm sure the neighbors will enjoy the fresh veggies. 


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